What Does a Standard Furnace Maintenance Contract Typically Include?

When you get a new HVAC, you have a window of opportunity to get a great deal on furnace maintenance as well. In a lot of cases, the company that does the contracting work and installs your furnace will also be willing to provide you with a special long term offer just because you chose to hire them for the job.

The question is, are these contracts actually worth it? What is included in a standard furnace maintenance contract, and what should you really be looking for when considering such a service? We’ll approach these and other issues below.

Evaluating Your Furnace Maintenance Contract

A furnace maintenance contract basically says that the HVAC company you sign with commits to provide you with timely, good quality furnace maintenance work to keep your HVAC operating properly.

Depending on the contract you sign, the level of involvement that the company might commit to will differ, and while in some cases the work will just involve some basic maintenance such as checking for gas leaks and evaluating whether the pressure level and spark system works properly, in others you can also get advanced support for preventive care, air filter replacement and even some repair work included with your normal fee.

Some contracts will include at least some of the following points:

  • A discounted price that will allow you to get an all-in-one maintenance service for all the required maintenance operations associated with your HVAC’s annual tuneup;
  • Emergency repair services offered as part of the standard maintenance plan;
  • Maintenance services available for the entire HVAC system, including any ducts, vents, additional thermostats, pipes and heating elements present throughout the house;
  • Special safety checks that include checking for dangerous carbon monoxide levels and issues such as gas leaks or electrocution hazards.

heating repair Denver

Finding the Right Maintenance Service

In searching for proper support and assistance with your furnace maintenance, it’s essential that you look through the contract carefully and make sure that all the tasks you actually require help with will be included at a fair price. If you hire an HVAC specialist to install your system, but feel that their maintenance checklist is lacking or that their maintenance service is too expensive, it’s a good idea to decline their support for annual furnace maintenance and search for better options.

You might find that, while some services specialize in installing and repairing HVAC systems, they might not be as efficient or forthcoming in dealing with maintenance or emergency repairs. Others will provide you with the services you need for basic repairs and maintenance, but they might not have the manpower or expertise required for larger projects.

To find a good HVAC maintenance service for your furnace, make sure you look for local heating repair Denver experts who can help out at short notice. Aside from their expertise with the type of HVAC you have installed, you’ll find that they’re also knowledgeable about the most common issues you might come across in your area and that they already have quick fixes and insightful advice to offer even for some of the more complex and unique problems you might encounter.